If you are purchasing a hive for the first time, you may need some additional assistance or advice. Our Expert Beekeepers are available to personally deliver your bees and provide a one-on-one Beekeeper Mentoring or Coaching Session, tailored to your specific needs - at your site, with your new bees.
Session Includes:
- Hive Location - Together we will review the suitability of your proposed hive location, hive stand, the direction you are facing the hive etc.
- Bee Orientation Begins - We will release your bees from the Nuc and allow them to settle in and begin orientation flights.
- Essential Know-How: We'll discuss best practices and essential know-how as a Beekeeper
- Equipment: We'll help you become more familiar with your equipment including how to light a smoker, how to operate a Flow Hive (if using a Flow Hive) and how to stay safe during your interactions with your bees.
- Install your Nuc together: Together we will Install your Bees from the Nucleus Colony (Nuc) into your main hive. We'll help you master your first hive inspection including what to look for, understanding the health of your bees, spotting key elements of the hive including the Queen, Drones and Worker Bees, Eggs Larvae and Capped Brood
- Next Steps: frequency of inspections, seasonal considerations, record-keeping, adding honey supers etc
By the time we leave your bees will be happily settled into your hive and your beekeeping confidence will have taken a tremendous step forward.
Regions Covered/Travel Included
Our Expert Beekeepers have very limited time during Spring and Summer. Our personalised one-on-one Beekeeper Mentoring or Coaching Session, tailored to your specific needs - at your site, with your new bees are limited. Bookings are essential.
Please note. Currently we can provide this service within 80km from Woodend, VIC as per the map below. Additional travel outside of this region would be charged at $100/hour. Please contact us if you fall outside of the delivery zone, we will send through an invoice for the additional travel time based on Google Maps information.