Order Your Bees Today
(Victoria, Australia Only)
Step 1
Select a 5 Frame Nucleus Hive OR one of our 7-Frame Accelerated Starter Colonies
Step 2
Decide on which Delivery Option that’s right for you. Sorry, no Freight or Shipping available.

Pickups are by Appointment from Woodend, South Morang, Geelong & Mt.Eliza during Spring and Summer.

Your bees will be delivered & our expert beekeeper's will provide 2 hours of onsite mentoring. $490 (Optional Extra)
Step 3
Look out for our Email to Book a Tentative Pickup or Delivery Date that suits you.

5 Frame Nucleus Colonies are available October - January but are subject to change due to inconsistencies in spring weather.
7-Frame Accelerated Starter Colonies are available 6 months of the year from October - March but are subject to change due to inconsistencies in spring weather.
Both Pickups and Delivery & Mentoring are via Appointment. You will be emailed a Calendar of Available Appointment Times as soon as you order online. Date preference is first come, first served - so pre-order early so as you don't miss out. Our bees are very popular!
Additional Resources

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us. We're happy to help!